Friday, June 13, 2008

tiny pretty things

the moon is huge and yellow like a streetlight
shining on walls like cardboard; outside inside
i like this honest little space
happy birthday yesterday
no one noticed; it's okay
happy birthday yesterday
happy birthday yesterday

i want to give you tiny pretty things
tiny pretty things
tiny pretty things like feathers
and small glass beads from far away
dried and old like sprigs of heather
a tarnished charm that brings the rain

there is lightning like taught sinews in the sky
i'm knowing we're magic since we're still alive
i like your honest little face
happy birthday yesterday
you're just a ghost but it's okay
happy birthday yesterday
happy birthday yesterday

i gave you all my pretty things
tiny pretty things
tiny pretty things like feathers
an eyelash from crying one time
dreamcatcher with animal skulls
muscle from a preserved heart

i gave my tiny pretty things away
happy birthday yesterday

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