Thursday, December 18, 2014

i identify as a tiny girl on a bicycle
i am prepubescent, i am free
i don't have a body that's easy to read
i'm not sexual and nobody should sexualize me
my interests are reading and biking and horseback riding
i like catching small things
i like looking at the stars at night
and trying to find the star my parents named for me

i am a small child
but now i have a grownup body
and now that i am aging i have to remember
always treat children the way i needed my mother to treat me
always respect, protect, defend and understand
always encourage, always be teaching
i will model safety for you

you are not me
any longer i am not that small being
but i carry her inside me
and i will honor her always
the 10 year old who never died
who still does wheelies in my chest
when i find a pair of moth wings
on a path
between the trees.

tonight i'll eat blackberries until i feel sick.
tonight i'll read alone in my room.
tonight i'll ride my bike with no hands
in honor of you.

the day

there is a radiance about my geoded diaphragm

i'm still working on filling the yellow hole

i'm looking forward to the day that expressing gratitude stops feeling like a jinx
i know it's coming