Sunday, November 16, 2008


"I am interested in two very significant numbers with infinite decimal places that contain no overarching patterns: phi and pi. The two contradict one another; pi makes the statement that randomness leads to circularity, whereas phi's digital randomness produces an infinite inward spiral that comes close to, but never reaches, a point of singularity. When used as metaphors for the progression of humanity, the two produce two very different paradigms; pi states that our random actions will inevitably lead back to the same beginning, whereas phi states that random activity, although still circular in nature, has the propensity to progress dramatically insofar as the amount of energy that is required in order to come full circle. What is interesting about the arguments made by pi and phi is that although a deterministic framework would make both impossible, each outlines a shaky but possibly determinable pattern."

tangential excerpt from SLC application

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