Saturday, January 26, 2013

agile, curious, hungry

i fell asleep on yr couch after watching
you slide out the door at 3 am
on a housecall
or maybe just like a housecat
wriggling out of capitvity

who knows

you didn't come back
home but i found you in the morning.

i've held you
a couple times now
or maybe more, enough
to feel like possibly
it was a thing, like
i might hope to find you somewhere,
when i needed
a nose to rub mine into
if only you came when i called

if you came to hold me instead
of all over my raw knuckles and the skin
of my teeth in the darkness

of your seemingly endless room.

for better or worse, i see you
on nights when you decide to rub
up against me, purring a little
and in the mornings when i wake up
to find you unconscious and sloppy
your need a quiet cat
the curls over both of us
insistent and evasive at the same time.

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