2. Understand your position. Before you can go into battle you have to understand what you're fighting for.
3. Set a goal that you're striving for. Conversely, set an anti-goal that is to be avoided at all costs.
4. Devise a method that will most effectively achieve said goal.
5. Make a back-up plan.
6. Consistency is key. Any deference from plan shows weaknesses and presents loopholes to the enemy, so pick the strategy that you understand will be most effective and DO NOT contradict it.
7. Be strong. Remind yourself as frequently as possible why you are doing what you're doing.
8. Don't over analyze the plan -- instead, choose this time as an opportunity to be dogmatic, no matter how much of a neo-Kantian pansy you may be.
9. Don't exhaust yourself. Worrying about attacks may work well for princes, but it does you no good to antagonize over the imaginary.
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