you cry on to me on
the other side of an ocean
and i want to rock you in arms made
of tear-salty waves. the liquid
from my bleeding heart adds
to the distance between us; it dilutes
the purity of the ocean's amniotic
fluid and makes both our
sadnesses spill onto the shores we've
created with our different perspectives.
On mine can be found the futility of
rebellion; on yours the stale
taste of an ultimate freedom and we
both pour our bodies into different
vessels of murky water. Your eyes
shine brightly at all times speaking
of youth in its prime and your knowledge
of how to succeed in just living. You cry
slowly into your cup of beer while
my eyes glow dully with the trembling
flame of fear and the knowledge that
nothing will stay the same. I cry
into the ocean as the water adopts
my tears, and i bathe in myself.
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